Leading digital pen and ink technology

Wacom for Business

Leading digital pen and ink technology

Electronic Handwritten Signatures (EHS)

The signature has been around for centuries, yet it turns out it is still relevant in the digital age. Learn more about the importance of electronic handwritten signatures and what makes them the most secure way to express consent.



About Niko Kalantzis

Niko Kalantzis is one of the world’s leading forensic  handwriting examiners. In an interview for Wacom’s Connected Ink 2021 he shares everything you need to know about the electronic handwritten signature.


What role does the Electronic Handwritten Signature (EHS) play in the digital age? 
What are the advantages of the EHS?
Where should the EHS be used?
Why should companies invest in a pen technology and not in other forms of biometric authentication?
Why not use fingerprint, signature, or facial recognition when you need biometric data?
Do we sign in the same way on a display as we do on paper?
Is the EHS equivalent to the standard handwritten signature?


No two signatures are ever the same – isn’t that an invitation to forgery?   

What is natural variation in signatures?

Can a forger master both the visual and dynamic characteristic ?


How do the 2 profiles translate into EHS data?

What is eIDAS and why is it relevant for everyone?
What is it about?
Why is the EHS used as a standard for identification?
How does the EHS compare to other forms of eSignatures?
What’s the relevance of eIDAS for the consumer?


Are all EHS hardware the same?  

What are the different levels of security to respond to requirements?

Why should a company invest in a pen technology and not in a mouse or finger based one ?

What are the differences between biometric and digital signatures?
What are the advantages of the EHS? 

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